Boost your web site with a a US Located Semi-dedicated Hosting Plan.

If you realize that your cloud hosting account has stopped being an acceptable service for personal or business web site, however a dedicated server costs too much and too tricky to work with, then you’ll be able to make the most of our USA semi–dedicated servers.

A Linux semi-dedicated hosting plan is really a one–of–a–kind mix between a website hosting account and a Linux dedicated server supplying the the best of both technologies. It offers the strength of a dedicated server (but without the regular server administration tasks), through a point & click Web Hosting Control Panel , which comes with all our cloud hosting plans at signup.

And because of their individuality, our semi–dedicated servers can be found only within our US located datacenter. It became the original data center where we’ve been able to install our custom made cloud hosting platform plus it features unrivaled power and cooling solutions. We have also developed a specialized internal network based on enterprise–class Juniper routers and switches. This is the way we can easily guarantee a 99.9% network uptime with all our US Located Semi-dedicated Hosting Plans

One of the key features of our US–based semi–dedicated servers is the StudioPlus Web Hosting Control Panel. It is bundled cost–free with all of our semi–dedicated servers and has been built to operate in the cloud. In this way, we spare your server from being forced to provide power to the Control Panel along with your websites together. You can use the entire server power only for your web sites. And also, the Web Hosting Control Panel is loaded with free tools and bonuses , which can enhance your site.

Other US Hosting Services

The US located datacenter is in addition the home of a few other web hosting services besides our USA based semi–dedicated servers. We provide cloud hosting packages built around a one–of–a–kind cloud hosting platform. Each US Located Website Hosting package features a free domain name and unrestricted disk space and traffic quotas. You may as well select our US Located VPS Plans, which feature NVMe storage delivering unequalled file access speeds. You could go for a US Located Dedicated Web Hosting Plans – the best web hosting solution for people with a live video streaming website or a CPU–intensive application.